Have you heard all the buzz recently about the benefits of intermittent fasting but are wondering how to implement it, why you should consider trying it or if its even safe for you?? Then this is the post for you! Read below to education yourself on the different types of intermittent fasting. Before trying out a new diet, consult your doctor!
#1. 16/8 (16 Hours Off, 8 Hours On) Fasting:
This type of fasting is also known as "daily window fasting," or simply skipping a singular meal!This type of fasting is usually the easiest and most commonly implemented type of intermittent fasting -- where you eat for a period of eight hours and fast for 16 hours. You can implement this type of intermittent fasting by either eating later in the day, then skipping breakfast the next day, or eating an early dinner and then not eat again until breakfast the following day. If you're able to stick to intermittent fasting for a long period of time and are enjoying the benefits, you can start to lengthen the time in-between eating and shorten your "eating window" to less than 8 hours. Side note: when you read about 23/1 or 20/4 intermittent fasting, that means you eat your caloric intake either all within 1 hour or 4 hours of the day.
#2: Alternate Day (24hr Fasting)
Alternate day fasting, also known as "Eat-Stop-Eat" or the "Up-Day-Down-Day" method involves fasting on alternate days of the week and then eating unrestricted the other days. So, if for example, you choose Mon-Wed-Fri-Sun as eating days then Tue-Thurs-Sat will be your fasting days.
#3: 5/2 Fasting
For 5/2 fasting, you pick 2 days of the week where you reduce your intake of calories by 3/4 so if you normally eat 2000 calories you would only eat 500 calories on those two days you are choosing to fast. Many individuals find it easier to simply fast on the 'reduced calorie days' as opposed to having to calorie count. Either way works -- pick which way would work for you!
#4: Juice Fasting and Broth Fasting Broth Fasting
These two types of fasting are just as they sound -- only consuming broth during your chosen time of fasting. Broth is a wonderful source filled with small amounts of protein, nutrients and electrolytes. If you consume animal products, I would recommend you sip on bone broth on your fasting days as bone broth has some extra nutrients including glutamine, collagen and a variety of amino acids which are the building blocks of our gut lining, skin, hair, nails, ligaments, tendons and so on and so forth.
Juice fasting is another way to get all the vitamins and minerals you might need in a day and still allow you to fast from solid foods and give your gastrointestinal tract a break from digesting. Do be forewarned though, when you start to juice vegetables and fruits you do lose the fiber content of the fruits and vegetables and increase the sugar content. I would prefer you actually use a blender and keep all the fiber in the juice so that we get that great fiber!
It's important to pick not only the type of fasting that you think you could be the most successful with but to also consider what you are trying to gain/get out of implementing fasting. If adding in a form of intermittent fasting into your life is something you are considering, reach out and schedule a visit with me today!
*DISCLAIMER: This document is not intended to treat or diagnose disease. Before implementing any new treatment protocols be sure to consult with a licensed physician. The author has nothing to disclose in regards to supplements or products mentioned within this document and the author does not receive any monetary or other incentive to mention the recommended supplements or products.
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